I am Belgian, 54 years old and excited about seashells. I have lived in Phoenix AZ during 3 and a half years and in Holland
until recently. I am an assistant manager of a large "do-it-yourself" store, selling everything to build, rebuild
or restore your house.
I started of the wrong way introducing myself on the internet not the proper way and got myself a bad name real quickly.
I got lucky that some of the important collectors and dealers supported me all the way and I guess now people believe
in my good intentions.
So I am preparing to write a book.
But let's get it over with right at the start. I am not a scientist. I am a novice in this field and I had and still have
everything to learn. But I needed to do something constructive. That was important to me.
Aren't we all amazed by rare and extraordinary seashells displayed at some show, in a private collection, on the internet
or in a book? Don't we all want to obtain them and put them in our own collection? Isn't it a fact that many times our harts
bleed because their prices are sometimes totally out of our reach? It is certainly the case for me most of the time.
And just maybe for that reason I picked Cypraea annulus, obvelata and moneta instead of for instance Cypraea aurantium.
But it is certainly not the only reason. There is just a lot more to tell about this trio.
I want to show the ultimate beauty of simplicity and the tremendous variety in color, shape and habitat of 3 little creatures,
very common and even abundant in a lot of areas. Available to almost anyone and in most of the cases with no danger of harming
Annulus, obvelata and moneta are true Chameleons and Globetrotters.
I want to tell their big story. Throughout history the money cowries were playing, and as you will read later, are still
playing an important role in the financial transactions of many areas in the world. They were there before Wall Street.
Cypraea annulus, obvelata and moneta are true Money Men.
I want to feature the usage of these cowries in ancient and contemporary art.
These shells are being used as ornaments in many art forms in many places on earth.
These cowries, in the early days and now, were and are well alive in ceremonies and religion. Annulus, obvelata and moneta
are real Artists.
And I am counting on your kindness to feed me all the information you have or can find; all the pictures you have taken
etc. This could be your contribution to this project!
And I thank you for your cooperation!!!