*** Susumu Mano from Japan who has shipped a great series
of specimen from all Japanese habitats for Cypraea annulus and moneta. Also many thanks for the superb photographs.
*** Robert Marchiselli from R & T Treasures
in Florida for donating a large study group of Cypraea annulus from Cebu on the Philippines.
*** Felix Lorenz from Germany for supporting me all the way for the donation of a series
of Cypraea annulus sublitorea from Samoa.
*** Philippe Vandenberghe from Belgium for his generous support of multiple specimen
from different locations and for allowing me to use his photo's of African art. Also many thanks for his advises and moral
*** Bob Abela and Steven Norby from Guam for supporting me from day one. They have forwarded
a series of specimen from the Guam area and Bob Abela allows me to use some superb photo's of live specimen.
*** Thierry Dandrimont from France for sending me many and many pictures for me to use.
He also collected a series of specimen from Mauritius for my study.
*** George Sangiouloglou for giving the permission
to use his superb photo's of freek Cypraea annulus.
*** WMF NEDERLAND BV, Europe's leading quality table ware supplier, for sending me free
of charge as a sponsor 5 beautiful display boxes to preserve the Cypraea collection for the Money Cowrie study.